Who Are We:
Our customers:
are mostly engineering companies that deal with precise machining of steel, stainless steel, brass, duralumin and plastic parts. These are manufacturing companies with focus on automotive industry, electronics industry, equipment for medical technology, watch-making industry etc. Nowadays we have more than ninety regular customers all over the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and France. They motivate us, they determine our quality and measure our success.
Company history:
The company MaVin-nástroje s.r.o. was founded in 2004 and it is still developing company.
Expression of thanks:
Mach Josef - Nový Hrádek
Vospálek Miroslav - Nové město nad Metují
Štěpán Jiří - Nové Město nad Metují
Doležal Václav - Nové Město nad Metují
Roland Waldvogel - Lenzkirch
Alan Golding - Lenzkirch
Luděk Petruželka - Nové Město nad Metují